Proceedings of International Conference
1- Zaji A. H., Bonakdari H., (2015), Comparison between two different adaptive neuro fuzzy interface systems in side weir characteristic simulation, 36th IAHR World Congress, The Hague, Netherland.
2- Sharifipour M., Bonakdari H., Zaji A. H. (2015), Open channel junction velocity prediction by Gene Expression Programming and regression methods, International Conference on Civil Engineering, Tehran, Iran.
3- Sharifipour M., Bonakdari H., Zaji A. H., (2015), Optimum Radial Basis Neural Network for open channel junction velocity prediction, Water Engineernig Conference & Exhibition, Tehran, Iran.
4- Karimi, S., H. Bonakdari, I. Ebtehaj and Zaji A. H. (2015). "Prediction of Mean Velocity in Open Channel Intake and Rivers Using Gene Expression Programming." International Conference on Science , Engineering and Technology for the Environment.