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a bit about me:

Professional Experiences
Young Researchers and Elite Club
(Since 2014)
Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah
(Since 2013)
Water and Wastewater Research Center of Razi University
(Since 2013)
Razi University of Kermanshah, Iran
(Since 2013)
Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Honors & Awards
Top Researcher
Amongst all candidates, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Lecturer of Choice
(Chosen by students’ votes)
For three consecutive semesters
(2015 & 2016)
Citations and h-index
Citation: 387
h-index: 11
i10-index: 14

Master degree
Water and hydraulic structures at Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Ranked 2th among all participants
Received full scholarship
Bachelor of Science Degree
Civil Engineering at the University Razi, Kermanshah, Iran
Received full scholarship
Baccalaureate degree
Emphasis in mathematics-physics.
Anchor 3

Teaching Experiences
Hydraulic Structures
Technical Drawing with AutoCAD
Computer Programming (MATLAB, Python)
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Mathematics
Deferential Equations
Anchor 5
Anchor 4
Research interests (publications)
Click on each title to see my publications in that area...

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